Mr. Ruedel sent us a bunch of great shots of the first voyage of his Vacationer, as well as a nice note describing the launch and shots of the construction. As you scroll down the page, you'll see the progression of this nice Vacationer.
Just wanted to let you know that I finally was able to complete work on our Vacationer, which wound up taking a bit over two years, what with me working in Houston a couple of weeks out of every month, and winter weather when I couldn't do anything on the boat. It also took a month to get through the process of registering the boat. Kentucky has come up with some nice new red tape regs that really make registeriing a homemade fun. (Buy one from a dealer, and you put it in the water the same day).
Whenever we were tied up at the dock at the marina (loaded with big dollar houseboats, of course), the Idyler was the center of attention, always with people coming up to look at her, asking questions, and wanting to check her out. The biggest surprise to people was the fact that it is not a deep keeled or center-boarded boat.
All in all, it was a great weekend, with very few kinks to work out. Your design is excellent, the handling is great, and I am proud to tie Idyler up alongside any yacht around.
Thank you. We look forward to many wonderful days aboard the Idyler, and I know my now-college age son, who had to miss this trip, is looking forward to getting out on it with his friends as well.
Sincerely, gratefully yours
Dave Ruedel
Louisville, Ky

Anyhow, with a limited amount of fanfare, we slipped the boat into the water at the Green River Lake near Campellsville, Ky this past Friday, with the crew being myself, my wife, Barbara, our daughter Lauren, 15, and a boy friend of hers. The lake isn't the biggest around, but there are several areas where you can make 2-3 miles on a leg, and one where you can make about 7 miles, if the wind was right.
We motored out a mile or so on our Tohatsu 4 stroke, shipped the motor, raised sails, and off we went.
I really commend you on the design. It sails like a pussy cat, smooth, responsive to the helm, and quick coming about. It also moves with just the lightest air, which really pleased us, as this area is noted for doldrums during the hot, summer months. Following your guide, when the air was light, we sat on the leeward, giving it a heel, and off it would go.

Over the two days we experienced winds of little or nothing, to squall gusts up to about 20 knots, which the boat handled nicely. Had the experience of being caught in one of our midwest thunderstorms, which dumped gallons into the cockpit, and on the helmsman while his wife and daughter and friend watched through the slats in the hatches, comfortable and dry.
Due to a lack of space at the marina, I also got to spend the night on board anchored on the lake, sleeping on the pfd cushons, since my wife hasn't finished the covers for the mattresses on the bunks yet. I am debatijng a couple of hooks, one in the front of the cabin, and the other at the rear bulkhead so I could sling a hammock inside. It would be more comfortable than those pfd cushions.
I opted to put in a two burner coleman propane stove, elimanate the built-in cooler, and just put our big igloo on the cabin floor. It sure was nice to perk a fresh pot of coffee on board in the morning, raise sail, and play on the lake alone for a couple of hours before picking everyone else up at the dock.
Received many compliments on the boat. Had several power boats come up close, stop engines, and just want to find out about the boat, its design, and "where do you buy one". One of these was a couple of guys in a speedboat with a chromed 427 chev who I would have never thought would be interested in a "blow boat".