The B.Y.Y.C. Builder Contact Program
For many years those of us at Stevenson Projects have wanted to set up a way beginning builders could get in touch with more experienced builder/skippers when they need to ask a question or have an extra hand for some critical step of their projects. Too often people end up building their projects in isolation; everyone busy in their shops and no camaraderie.
We've decided to organise a bit better way to hook up Stevenson Projects builders. We're putting participant's names and e-mails on pages by country and state. These brave souls have agreed to act as Builder Contacts for those of you beginning your projects.
We're hoping to get regional Commodore-Nabobs who are interested in getting activities going for their areas. It can be a lot of fun to go sailing with other Weekenders! We've had some good afternoons racing around with other B.Y.Y.C. boats! The Commodore-Nabobs can't really lose. At best, you'll end up with a regular sailing/building club and your merry band of rouges can plunder and sack the best anchorages and picnic beaches in your favorite sailing spots. Just think of the fun gangs of Weekender builder/skippers could have pushing those pesky windsurfer-geeks aside! At the very least, you'll be getting on the water for some pleasant sailing time by yourself. If you really get a good group together, you might want to coordinate with some other groups to set up some larger sail-ins. We've always loved the fact that trailer-sailors can converge from all over the place to really get some critical mass for events; sort of like weekend motorcycle clubs can.
If you would like to get involved, we would very much like to add your name to the list! Your participation might help someone decide to build a project, you might find some sympathetic building comrades, or you may have the basis of a local sporting club. You may be able to act as mentor to someone younger who needs a hand getting into project building. On the other hand, you may never hear from anyone! We don't know how this will work out, but we think it's worth a try. If you want to have your name removed from the list at some point in the future, just let us know.
If you want to become a Builder Contact Skipper (or a Commodore-Nabob), send us an e-mail with these bits of info:
Our thanks to those of you who are helping with this program, and we hope this ends up leading somewhere!
If you see this fellow lurking about near a builder/skipper's name, that person is a Commodore-Nabob, and you'd better look sharp and heave with a will when they give you the word!
This indicates that a state or province has at least one Builder Contact person. Let's get the board filled!
Alberta |
Manitoba |
Nova Scotia |
Quebec |
British Columbia |
Newfoundland |
Ontario |
Saskatchewan |
Western Australia | Northern Territory | Queensland | South Australia |
New South Wales | Victoria |
Tasmania |
Any More Countries Willing To Participate?
Copyright 2020 Stevenson Projects LLC